- Rules: Taurus and Libra
- Natural Ruler of 2nd and 7th Houses
- Exalted Sign: Pisces
- Sign of Detriment: Scorpio
- Sign of Fall: Virgo
- Lesser Benefic
- Colors: Green
- Gemstones: Emerald and Sapphire
- Day: Friday
- Demon: Kedemel
- Metal: Copper
- Health: Thymus gland, sense of touch, throat, kidneys. Hair and skin in the cosmetic sense.
Blood impurities that poison the system, tonsillitis, measles, smallpox, kidney disease. Venus rules
venereal diseases along with Pluto.
Venus rules:
One's love life, indulgence, money, jewelry, ornaments, women's clothing, bed linens, polished
substances, social activities, art, beauty, ornaments, luxury pleasure, sexual intercourse with affection, dancing, poetry,
singing, acting, cosmetics, hairdressing, and cosmetology.
Artists, musicians, actors/actresses, theatre careers,[along with Neptune]. Ambassadors of peace,
cosmetologists, clothing designers, entertainers, interior decorators, jewelers, and botanists.
Peaceful, by natural causes.
Venus rules the women in a man's chart, along with the Moon.