Kids and Teens for Satan
Your interest in Satan is very positive and is a strong sign you are seeking the truth. It is important that you put aside all prejudices in coming to know Satan. Most of what you have probably heard about him from non-Satanic sources are from his enemies and people who hate him for no real reason, other than this is what they were taught to believe. Others hate him, as he is a huge threat to their personal power, wealth and control as these have been built upon lies.
Many lies have been told about Satan and his Demons. These lies have been forced upon people. Fear, lies and force have been used as weapons for hundreds of years. Satan and his Demons are NOT EVIL!! They are the ones who brought knowledge to humanity, so that we can be free. Satan is our True Creator God. Satan wants for us to be spiritually free. The Christian god is false. The Christian god is a murderer and a liar from the beginning and everything the Christians accuse the Devil of in their own bible is really their own god. Satan never murdered anyone Satan never lied to anyone Satan accepts you as you are, and does not hate human nature Satan rules over what is called 'the occult' which is completely spiritual Satan gives us knowledge and does not fear human spiritual advancement Satan does not fear humanity Christianity is not a religion; it is a program to stop people from knowing about and using the powers of their minds and souls known as 'witchcraft.' Satan has been treated horribly by those who hate him for no good reason and who also hate humanity and try to enslave us. They want to keep spiritual knowledge and power in the hands of a few.
Satanism is NOT about Role Playing Games, human or animal sacrifice; blood drinking, horror, gore, or harming those who do not deserve it. True Satanism is becoming a god and having god-like power. Satan is the liberator of humanity. Animals are sacred in Satanism and should be treated with respect and well cared for. Many different animals are sacred to our Gods, such as snakes are sacred to Satan, cats and owls are sacred to Lilith, dogs to Anubis and many more.
The only way to learn the real truth is to find it for yourself. We can never learn the real truth unless we can come to know both sides. Without knowing both sides, we cannot make a real choice. Truth is only known when we can think for ourselves, without making assumptions. Thinking for ourselves is listening to our own feelings and inner voice. Thinking for ourselves is not what we are told to think or believe by others. Those who wish to enslave and control others depend upon people believing everything they are told and not thinking for themselves.
If you decide to join us in Satan, don't feel pressured. You don't have to dedicate your soul to become a Satanist. This is your choice and you should only do this if you really want to. Unlike the Christian 'God,' Satan doesn't push himself on anyone and we all come to him of our own free will. It is very important to treat Satan and his Demons with respect at all times. DON'T EVER SUMMON DEMONS FOR FUN OR TO PLAY AROUND. SUMMONING A DEMON IS VERY SERIOUS. If you are in trouble or are having big problems, Satan and his Demons will help you. Demons work with us through power meditations so we can access our own power and handle things for ourselves, using our minds.
Satan is different from the false Christian God and his Nazarene [Jesus Christ]. Satan will ALWAYS help his people when they are having problems or are in need. With the violence in today's world and in the schools, his help is everything. The Nazarene has a long track record of turning his back on his followers in their time of need, as he is fictitious and human-hating entities pretend to be him. This is because he is no more than a thoughtform. The legends of his disciples dying horrible deaths are to create a slave mentality in his followers. It is very important for a slave to be able to take a lot of abuse without questioning or fighting back. Also, slaves never have knowledge and to be a perfect slave, one must always believe and do what they are told and be illiterate.
Satan shows us we are important. There are many times we can't fight back. There are people who are bigger or have more power, and adults who are mean and unfair. Satan has his Demons look out for us and take care of big problems that we cannot handle. Satan shows us how we can have power with using our minds. This is power that other people don't have. Satan gives us the knowledge to use this power to get what we want in life. We can have money, love, a good job, and many other things that we want. People who are mean to us get punished.
Life can be real hard. When we come to Satan, he makes our lives better and happier. To learn more, read what is on this website. Some people who call themselves Satanists, really aren't. They don't believe in Satan. Satan is very real and he does exist. Those in power don't want people to believe in Satan because Satan gives power to the common people and this is a big threat to them. You need to get to know Satan for yourself and you will find he is very real.
As long as you are under 18, you are not free, nor do you have the same rights as an adult. Whoever is taking care of you, your parents or a relative or guardian, they have power over you.
Christians try very hard to force kids and teens into their beliefs. This is because you are young and don't have enough knowledge and experience from living and they know this. They don't let you explore both sides or other religions. This is because they want to control your mind. They don't want you to think for yourself. Many have hurt and abused children because this is what their religion teaches. If you are living in a Christian household, you have to be careful when you explore religions that Christians are taught to hate.
To learn about Satan and his Demons, the first thing you can do is to read what is on this website. If you are living with Christians, you may not want to have any papers or books that they could find that could get you into trouble, so be very careful when using the internet. Learn how to clear your history and never forget to do this. There is software that your parents or school can buy that will tell them every site you have visited and also any passwords used on their computer. They may have this and not tell you. If you are sure they don't, be sure to clear out the history tracking on your tool bar and the cache, delete any sites you don't want them to know you visited. If your parents are Christians, they will more than likely get very upset with you for your interest in Satan.
Take your time and learn. Satan doesn't force himself on anyone. There are many lies and stories to try to scare people away from Satan. Don't believe any of this. You have a right to find out for yourself. You can also read about the Inquisition to find out how many people the Christians have killed. This is all true, though the Christians try to hide it. It is historical fact. Only when you have enough knowledge, can you make the right choices. Take your time and learn and don't let anyone pressure you. Many choices you make and things you do now will affect the rest of your life. Learn everything you can about someone or something without prejudice before you choose. Don't let other people pressure you or do something just because other people do it or a bunch of people do it. Those of us who are with Satan are not slaves. Satan's Blessings to you and best wishes when you explore and learn. We hope that you will join us.
- Coping with Christians
- Tips for Teens: Privacy
- Exposing Christianity
This Group is for 13- 19 year olds who wish to learn in a friendly environment free from xian harrassment. High Priests and Priestesses are on-line to answer any legitimate questions and give sermons of interest to teens. To join- just click on the link "Teens for Satan E-group" above.