EZ Chakra Spin

This meditation only takes a few minutes, and can be done at any time when you are able to tune in and focus. It is easy to do and can take the place of a full or extended meditation for people who lack the necessary privacy and/or are short on time.

Turn your attention to the base of your spine and visualize your base chakra as a vortex [like a small pyramid]. Visualize this chakra as a rich, vibrant red and spin it. Keep spinning it until it spins fast and on its own. Make sure the point is facing upwards.

Work your way up through each chakra, visualizing each one and spinning it until it spins fast and on its own. Visualize each one as a spinning vortex with a powerful, vibrant color:

When you spin the 6th chakra, focus *behind* your 3rd eye, in the middle of your head. Many people erroneously believe the third eye to be the 6th chakra. The 3rd eye is an *extension* of the 6th chakra; not the 6th chakra.

Each of your chakras should be a powerful, vibrant color. Chakras that are dark or tainted are not functioning properly. Keep spinning them and focus your visualization to restore them to their own powerful color. You might also want to clean them if this is the case.

When our chakras spin at a faster rate, this helps to protect us from misfortune and disease, opens us to the astral, and protects us astrally as well as in the physical world. Always remember, energy work must be done every day, as each day builds on the day before, and until a strong energy field is permanently established, short-term benefits can be lost or difficult to restore.

Also, note that the soul is made of light. Each of the chakras is a wavelength of light frequency, as can be seen in a light prism, when the light of the Sun is broken into the spectrum of visible colors. This is in physics. All of the so-called "occult" can be scientifically explained. When we breathe in or invoke light energy, we are empowering our soul