The Pantheon of Hell

Satan's Sigil in Gold


He is the Top Leader of the Nordic Gods of the Empire of Orion. Many of us see him often and have a very close relationship with him. He is beautiful.

Beelzebub's Sigil in Gold


He is the embodiment of authority, worldly and cosmic. He has been a patron of many great historically important personalities.

Astarte's Sigil in Gold


The Queen of the Stars, Nature, Purity and Beauty, she represents the highest elevation of the human soul but also of the female by definition.

Azazel's Sigil in Gold


He is a very high ranking and important God. He is 7 1/2 feet tall, very strongly built with light blonde hair that is past his shoulders and flowing.

Demons A - B

Gods A - B

*Note: The inclusions with an asterisk were dictated from Thoth


  • Zodiac position: 5-9 Degrees of Aries
  • March 25th-29th
  • Tarot Card: 2 of Rods
  • Candle color: Deep Blood Red*
  • Plant: Carnation
  • Planet: Mars/Mercury*
  • Metal: Copper*
  • Element of Air and Fire*
  • Rank: Grand Duke of the Eastern regions of Hell
  • She governs 31 legions of spirits
  • Her Animal is the Tiger*
  • Agares is a Day Demon and was of the order of the Virtues.

Agares rules over the common people; they are the voice of the common people and residence of Hell. Her position is similar to a human Mayor.*
She teaches all languages, returns runaways and can stop one from fleeing. She can also incite one to flee. She chases off enemies, destroys spirits of the enemy, and can bring about the downfall of important men, causing them to lose their position, public honor and the respect of others. She can cause an earthquake, and incite dancing.
*All of the Demons were very well-known and popular Pagan Gods. Agares is female. The legends of the Gods were all allegories. Agares was known as the Greek God "Argus". Argus was a male in legend. Argus was "all-seeing" and had 100 eyes.
Agares is extremely beautiful. She is very fair skinned and feminine with soft straight blonde hair and white wings. She is very friendly and likable.

— High Priestess Maxine

IMAGE (Art work done by Marcos Macias)


  • Zodiac position: 20-24 degrees of Cancer
  • July 13th-17th
  • Tarot Card: 4 of Cups
  • Candle color: Deep Blue as in blueberry* color
  • Plant: Lemon
  • Animal: Platypus*
  • Planet: Neptune*
  • Metal: Tin/Neptunium
  • Element of Air*
  • Rank: Marquis*
  • Aim rules over atmosphere control in Hell*
  • Aim governs 26 legions of spirits and is a Day Demon

He Gives true answers to questions, answers questions of things unknown, makes men witty, and teaches cunning and shrewdness. He can spread destruction by means of fire; setting buildings and entire cities on fire. He answers questions regarding private matters



  • Zodiac Position: 15-19 degrees of Sagittarius
  • December 8th-11th
  • Tarot card: 9 of Rods
  • Candle color: Green*
  • Animal: Bat*
  • Plant: Sage
  • Planet: Uranus*
  • Metal: Bronze*
  • Element of Water*
  • Rank: PRESIDENT*
  • Alloces governs 36 legions of spirits and is a Night Demon
  • Alloces rules over a "public" meeting house in Hell where communities of Demons gather to discuss and plan community events for their areas. These Demons specialize in architecture and art.*

He provides good familiars, and teaches astronomy and the liberal sciences, He can be sent to revenge secret enemies. He has a deep hoarse voice and is loud in speaking.



  • Zodiac Position: 0-4 degrees of Pisces
  • February 19th-23rd
  • Tarot card: 8 of Cups
  • Candle color: Light Blue*
  • Plant: Mimosa
  • Planet: Neptune*
  • Animal: Bird*
  • Metal: Silver*
  • Element of Water and Air*
  • Rank: King*
  • Amdusias governs 29 legions of spirits and is a Night Demon
  • Amdusias is the Musical Director in Hell and is the God with the highest skill in Music*

He can inspire music. He causes musical instruments to be heard, but not seen, and gives excellent familiars. He can give a familiar to assist on any secret mission one wishes to perform, and can cause trees to become barren of fruit or even fall to the ground, or bend according to one's will.
Amdusias told the Temple of Zeus Ministry in 2003: "Just as the enemy has people who cannot see us, we cannot see them. However, they will manifest blatantly as we get closer to the climax of our cause."
Amdusias has long black hair. He is tall with long fingers and he has strong, rough hands. His wings are tan and he has dark skin.



"Amon" is the Egyptian Sun God Amon Ra aka Merodach and the Babylonian God "Marduk"
  • Zodiac Position: 0-4 Degrees of Taurus
  • April 20th-24th
  • Tarot Card: 5 of Pentacles
  • Candle color: Red or Gold*
  • Plant: Nightshade
  • Planet: Sun*
  • Metal: Gold*
  • Animal: Lion*
  • Element of: Fire and Air*
  • Rank: Prince*
  • Amon rules over the Western Region of Hell*
  • Amon is a Day Demon and Governs 40 legions of spirits

He discerns the past, foretells the future, reconciles friends and enemies, procures love and causes love to flourish.
He is one of the most beautiful beings I have ever seen. He has very light blonde hair swept back; he is strongly built and has an enormous amount of positive energy. He is attended by a strong and aggressive falcon. He is literally radiant like the Sun. He is one of the 7 Sons of Satan. He is extremely proud, beautifully built, and very tall and strong.

— High Priestess Maxine



  • Zodiac Position: 15- 19 degrees of Capricorn
  • January 6th-10th
  • Tarot card: 3 of Pentacles
  • Candle color: Pink*
  • Plant: Vervain
  • Animal: Panther*
  • Planet: Venus*
  • Metal: Copper*
  • Element of Earth*
  • Rank: Earl*
  • Amy governs 36 legions of spirits and is a Night Demon

He teaches astrology and the liberal sciences, provides familiars and discovers hidden treasures. He shows the way to fortune, wealth and treasure.



  • Zodiac Position: 10-14 degrees of Aquarius
  • January 30th- February 3rd
  • Tarot card: 6 of Swords
  • Candle color: Black*
  • Plant: Violet
  • Animal: Hell Hound/Wolf*>
  • Planet: Pluto and Mars*
  • Metal: Iron and Silver*
  • Element of Fire*
  • Rank: There is no human equivalent or word for his rank*
  • Andras Satan's Chief Guard and Head of Security*
  • Andras Governs 30 legions of spirits and is a Night Demon

Andras is the God who was worshipped in the Weald. He can completely destroy enemies. Andras has a reputation for killing mages and their assistants. He is said to be very dangerous
Andras though he is male, is the British and Celtic Goddess Andrasta. "Andrasta" means the "Invincible One". Andrasta was a patron goddess of the Iceni tribe. It was said that Boudicca, the British warrior queen prayed to Andrasta, before going into battle the against her Roman foes. 1

I have known Andras for quite some time. He is actually very pleasant to those who are dedicated to Satan. He is a true warrior. He first contacted me through my Ouija Board. The first time I saw him, he was short, wore a black and white striped shirt, and had a rough look about him. He was attended by a Hell Hound, a vicious looking black wolf with red eyes, snarling with dusty bristled grey hair. After performing energy work on him, he transformed into a tall and slender and very handsome Demon. He wears a long white robe and has golden blonde hair parted in the middle and very long, down to his waist. He is a true warrior, but also an artist. He is one of the most dangerous to the enemy.

— High Priestess Maxine



  • Zodiac Position: 20-24 Degrees of Aquarius
  • February 9th- 13th
  • Tarot card: 7 of Swords
  • Candle color: Silver*
  • Plant: Lotus
  • Animal: Frog*
  • Planet: 4 of the Moons of Jupiter*
  • Metal: Nickel and Silver*
  • Element of earth*
  • Rank: Earl*
  • Andrealphus governs 30 legions of spirits and is a Night Demon
  • Andrealphus is a scientist; specializing in Chemistry*

He teaches astronomy, geometry, and everything concerned with measurement. He also teaches mathematics



  • Zodiac Position: 25-29 Degrees of Pisces
  • March 16th-20th
  • Tarot card: Ten of Cups
  • Candle color: Indigo*
  • Plant: Wormwood
  • Animal: Pigeon*
  • Planet: Jupiter*
  • Metal: Iron*
  • Element of Air*
  • Rank: Earl*
  • Andromalius rules over 36 legions of spirits and is a night Demon
  • Andromalius is a Watcher. Watchers spy on the enemy and report directly to Satan, Andras or Azazel*

He reveals thieves, returns stolen goods, discovers all wickedness, and locates hidden treasure. He will punish thieves and avenge offenders. He recovers lost articles and finds money. He also reveals secret plots and can catch a thief.



  • Zodiac Position: 5-9 degrees of Virgo
  • August 28th- September 1st
  • Tarot Card: 8 of Pentacles
  • Candle color: Black or Blue*
  • Plant: Mint
  • Animal: Whale*
  • Planet: Neptune*
  • Metal: Copper when it turns Blue*
  • Element: Water*
  • Rank: King*
  • Asmodeus is Chief Astrologer of Hell and Oversees the Gambling Houses in Hell. He is a very busy Demon.*
  • Asmodeus is a Day Demon, he is among the legions of AMAYON and rules 72 legions of spirits
  • Asmodeus carries the title "King of the Demons"

Asmodeus must be invoked bareheaded.
Asmodeus was of the order of Seraphim and he carries the title "King of the Demons." He governs the many realms of pleasure. He prefers to be summoned bareheaded [without a hat or head covering] and he teaches the arts of astronomy, arithmetic, geomancy, and craftsmanship. He answers all questions, discovers and guards treasures and gives the ability to read the thoughts of others. He confers invisibility, and can break up marriages/relationships. Asmodeus has a human Mother and his Father is a God. He has jet black hair with a braid down his back, and has an olive complexion. Asmodeus is extremely courteous and very much a gentleman. He is soft spoken with a smooth voice. Asmodeus is a very pleasant Demon.

— High Priestess Maxine





  • Zodiac Position: 10-14 degrees of Sagittarius
  • December 3rd- 7th
  • Tarot Card: 9 of Rods
  • Candle color: White
  • Plant: Oak
  • Planet: Mars
  • Metal: Iron
  • Element of Fire
  • Rank: King
  • Balam is a Night Demon and governs 40 legions of spirits

Balam discerns the past and future, confers humor, wit, intellect, gives invisibility, and foretells the future.



  • Zodiac Position: 5- 9 degrees of Taurus
  • April 25th-29th
  • Tarot Card: 5 of Pentacles
  • Candle color: Black
  • Plant: Ground Ivy
  • Planet: Venus
  • Metal: Copper
  • Element of Earth
  • Rank: Duke
  • Barbatos is a day Demon and he governs 30 legions of spirits and is of the Order of Virtues
  • Barbatos prefers to appear when the Sun is in the sign of Sagittarius

Barbatos teaches all of the sciences, he reveals treasure concealed by magic, and foretells the future. He discerns the past, reconciles friends, and will bring any two persons together in friendship. He secures the good will of those who are in positions of power. He smoothes out all misunderstandings and soothes hurt feelings. He gives the ability to communicate with and understand animals.

Barbatos is a very handsome god. He has long, flowing blond hair and brilliant white wings. He is very well built and his skin is tan.



**Bathin is the Egyptian goddess Nephthys [See High Ranking Demons and Crown Princes of Hell]

  • Zodiac Position: 25-29 degrees of Gemini
  • June 16th-21st
  • Tarot Card: 10 of Swords
  • Candle color: Purple
  • Plant: Mistletoe
  • Planet: Saturn/Uranus
  • Metal: Lead/Uranium
  • Element of Air
  • Rank: Duke
  • Bathin is a Day Demon and rules over 30 legions of spirits

Bathin reveals the properties of herbs and precious stones. She helps one obtain astral projection, and can take anyone wherever they want to go.



  • Zodiac Position: 0- 4 degrees of Gemini
  • May 21st- 25th
  • Tarot Card: 8 of Swords
  • Planet: Mercury
  • Metal: Mercury
  • Element of Air
  • Candle color: Red
  • Plant: Dill
  • Rank: Duke
  • Beleth is a Day Demon and rules over 85 legions of spirits. She is of the Order of Powers

Beleth brings the spirit of love between men and women. She is a favorite of women awaiting a proposal.
Byleth is a female. She has round doll like, piercing dark eyes with long dark blonde hair with ringed curls.

— High Priestess Maxine

IMAGE (Artwork done by Marcos Macias)


  • Zodiac Position: 5- 9 degrees of Pisces
  • February 24th- 29th
  • Tarot Card: 8 of Cups
  • Candle color: Orange
  • Plant: Mullein
  • Planet: Jupiter/Neptune
  • Metal: Tin/Neptunium
  • Element of Water
  • Rank: King
  • Belial is a Night Demon and governs 80 legions of spirits

Belial distributes presentations and titles. He reconciles friends and enemies, and provides familiars He can assist one with job promotions and helps to gain a higher position. He can bring favors from others, even one's enemies. Belial was Prince of the Order of Virtues. Belial is thin, smaller than most of the other Demons and has platinum blonde hair.




  • Zodiac Position: 15- 19 degrees of Scorpio
  • November 7th-12th
  • Tarot Card: 6 of Cups
  • Candle color: Light purple
  • Plant: Basil
  • Planet: Jupiter/Neptune
  • Metal: Tin/Neptunium
  • Element of Water
  • Rank: Earl
  • Bifrons is a Night Demon and governs 60 legions of spirits

Bifrons teaches astrology, geometry, mathematics, along with other different arts and sciences. He reveals the properties of herbs, woods, and stones. He can move corpses magically and coerce spirits of the dead to assist in magick, and/or to answer inquiries.
Bifrons is tall and has light blonde hair down to his waist with lots of soft ringed curls. He is kind and patient.

— High Priestess Maxine



  • Zodiac Position: 20- 24 degrees of Gemini
  • June 11th- 15th
  • Tarot Card: 10 of Swords
  • Candle color: White
  • Plant: Lily
  • Planet: Saturn/Uranus
  • Metal: Lead/Uranium
  • Element of Air
  • Rank: President/Earl
  • Botis is a Day Demon and rules over 60 legions of spirits

Botis assists in making important decisions and bolsters courage. He protects one from being hurt by the hatred or envy of others and helps toward easing tension in the home. Botis declares things past and present, and reconciles friends and enemies.
He appeared as an old man. He was bald on top with long white wavy hair. He wore a brown robe. After I did energy work on him and freed him, he bolted beautiful huge deep red wings.

— High Priestess Maxine



  • Zodiac Position: 15- 19 degrees of Taurus
  • May 5th- 9th
  • Tarot Card: 6 of Pentacles
  • Candle color: Light blue
  • Plant: Aloe
  • Planet: Mercury
  • Metal: Mercury
  • Element of Earth
  • Rank: President
  • Buer is a Day Demon and rules over 50 legions of spirits

Buer heals all diseases, and teaches moral, natural, and logical philosophy. He discourages drunkenness, and provides familiars. He also teaches the properties of all herbs and plants.



  • Zodiac Position: 5- 9 degrees of Leo
  • July 28th-August 1st
  • Tarot Card: 5 of Rods
  • Candle color: Orange
  • Plant: Orange
  • Planet: Sun
  • Metal: Gold
  • Element of Fire
  • Rank: Duke
  • Bune is a Day Demon and governs 30 legions of spirits

Bune helps acquire wealth and provides sophistication and worldly wisdom. She gives eloquence in speech and a flair for words.
Bune has shoulder-length straight black hair with dark slanted eyes, a tan complexion and black wings. She is very friendly. I asked her if she was Egyptian. She said "We are all Egyptian." Her hair is styled like the Hollywood Cleopatra.

— High Priestess Maxine



* Dictated from Thoth.

Page on 'British Deities'

Demons C - F

Gods C - F


  • Zodiac Position: 20-24 degrees of Sagittarius
  • December 12th-16th
  • Tarot Card: 10 of Rods
  • Planet: Sun
  • Metal: Gold
  • Element: Fire
  • Candle color: Green
  • Plant: Centaurea
  • Rank: President
  • Camio is a Night Demon and governs 30 legions of spirits and was of the Order of Angels

Camio foretells the future. He also teaches how to communicate with animals. He can reveal the mysteries and secrets of other worlds and is an expert on hydromancy [divination by water]. He is good at argument and answers questions in burning ashes or coals of fire.
Camio is well built and covered with gold dust. His wings have gold bands on them and he wears a lot of gold jewelry. He leaves trails of gold dust when he flies. He has a powerful golden aura, and he can fly very fast. He exploded in gold dust and flew up through the ceiling.



Cimeries is also known as the Egyptian God "Khepera" "Kheperi" "Khepri" "Kheprer" and "Chepera"
*He stated to a disciple that he prefers to be addressed as "Khepu"

  • Zodiac Position: 25-29 degrees of Aquarius
  • February 14th-18th
  • Tarot Card: 7 of Swords
  • Candle color: Dark Blue
  • Plant: Pine
  • Element: Air
  • Planet: Venus
  • Metal: Copper
  • Rank: Marquis
  • Cimeries is a night Demon and rules 20 legions of spirits

Cimeries bestows strength in spirit and confers much courage; he makes one heroic in battle, teaches literature and finds anything that is lost. He teaches grammar, logic, and rhetoric and is the patron of soldiers and military personnel. He also discovers buried treasure.
He has beautiful shoulder-length strawberry blonde hair and is well built. He is a very handsome God with a wide wingspan. His wings are golden, and he is covered with golden glitter.



  • Zodiac Position: 0-4 degrees of Sagittarius
  • November 23rd-27th
  • Tarot Card: 8 of Rods
  • Planet: Jupiter
  • Metal: Tin
  • Element: Fire
  • Candle color: Pink
  • Plant: Wood Betony
  • Rank: Duke
  • Crocell is a night Demon and rules 48 legions of spirits. She was of the Order of Potentates, or Powers

Crocell teaches mysticism, geometry, art, history and all of the liberal sciences. She can produce great noises and cause great commotions. She can also bring confusion and indecisiveness to one's enemies. She warms waters and discovers baths. She appears with long flowing blonde hair and a blue dress with large blue wings.



  • Zodiac Position: 20-24 degrees of Pisces
  • March 11th-15th
  • Tarot Card: 10 of Cups
  • Planet: Mars/Pluto
  • Metal: Iron/Plutonium
  • Element: Water
  • Candle color: Purple
  • Plant: Honeysuckle
  • Rank: Duke
  • Dantalian is a night Demon and governs 36 legions of spirits

He can produce hallucinations. He reveals the innermost thoughts and desires of others and can influence another’s mind without their knowledge. He knows all human thoughts and can change them at will. He incites love between men and women, and teaches all the arts and sciences. He can show a vision of the likeness of any person.
Dantalian has a blue aura. He usually departs through the ceiling. He can assist in achieving altered states.


#DECARABIA aka ABRAXAS/ABRASAX or the Egyptian God Khonsu

  • Zodiac Position: 10-14 degrees of Pisces
  • March 1st-5th
  • Tarot Card: 9 of Cups
  • Planet: Moon
  • Metal: Silver
  • Element: Water
  • Candle color: Black
  • Plant: Lunaria
  • Rank: Marquis
  • Decarabia is a Night Demon and rules 30 legions of spirits

He knows all of the properties of and the powers of plants and stones, and provides birds as familiars. Decarabia is Abraxas. He has short curly black hair with fair skin and black wings with red stripes. He has a blue aura that gives off a lot of heat.

“Abraxas or Abrasax respectively is very powerful, friendly and is a most mystical Demon. He is very friendly and has showed many times his love and care for Dedicated Satanists who follow Him. Abraxas appears in form as a medium built most beautiful man, sometimes holding a scepter, wearing a tunic, with medium sized black hair with golden undertones that appear almost as golden hair and a white skin. His mysteries related to the foundation of the universe itself. In every Ancient tradition, he was worshiped and his Name was considered a knowledge that was only revealed to initiates, as part of a top secret initiation based knowledge. The secret behind his name ABRASAX is one of the great mysteries.”

— High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

For More Advanced Information About Abraxas Click Here.



He is also known as "ABIGOR" *SEE High Ranking Demons and Crown Princes of Hell

  • Zodiac Position: 10-14 degrees of Gemini
  • June 1st-5th
  • Tarot Card: 9 of Swords
  • Candle color: Yellow
  • Plant: Thyme
  • Planet: Venus
  • Element: Air
  • Metal: Copper
  • Rank: Duke
  • Eligos is a Day Demon and rules 60 legions of spirits

He grants favor in court cases and legal affairs, and helps to attract business and financial success. He creates love and lust and causes war and marshals armies. He helps in discovering hidden things.



  • Zodiac Position: 15-19 degrees of Aquarius
  • February 4th-8th
  • Tarot Card: 6 of Swords
  • Planet: Mercury
  • Candle color: Purple
  • Plant: Skullcap
  • Metal: Mercury
  • Element: Air
  • Rank: Duke
  • Haures rules 36 legions of spirits and is a Night Demon

Haures discerns past, present, and future. She destroys and burns enemies of the mage and kills men by fire and protects the mage against other spirits. She knows all secrets and will bring harm to one's foes. Haures is female. Her golden hair can turn to blood red. She has large eyes that match her hair. There is no white in them at all. She is a beautiful Demoness. She is very fair skinned with long legs and is thinly built. She is rather calm and quiet, and she floats on the air. She appeared without wings.



*SEE High Ranking Gods and Crowned Princes of Hell

"Focalor" is an anagram for Rofocale.

  • Zodiac Position: 20-24 degrees of Libra
  • October 13th-17th
  • Tarot Card: 4 of swords
  • Candle color: Black (from him personally to a disciple)
  • Plant: Wild Rose (from him personally to a disciple)
  • Planet: Mercury
  • Metal: Mercury
  • Element: Air
  • Rank: King (from him personally)
  • Focalor is a Night Demon and rules 30 legions of spirits

He has power over the winds and the sea and causes ships to sink and cause death by drowning. He will not hurt anyone or anything, if asked not to. He appears as bald, with a robe that has bright shining silver and gold highlights. His wings when he shows them are covered with glitter like his robe. Lucifius Focalor is patient, polite, and soft spoken. He is rather quiet and has a slight accent.

— High Priestess Maxine



  • Zodiac Position: 0-4 degrees of Virgo
  • August 23rd-27th
  • Tarot Card: 8 of Pentacles
  • Planet: Mercury
  • candle color: Orange
  • Plant: Century Plant
  • Metal: Mercury
  • Element: Earth
  • Rank: President
  • Foras is a Day Demon and rules 29 legions of spirits

He can make one charismatic, wise, wealthy, and invincible. He restores lost property and teaches logic and ethics. He reveals the powers of herbs and precious stones and has the power to make one invisible, have a long life, and to have charisma.



  • Zodiac Position: 25-29 degrees of Leo
  • August 18th-22nd
  • Tarot Card: 7 of Rods
  • Candle color: Orange
  • Plant; Sunflower
  • Planet: Mars
  • Element: Fire
  • Metal: Iron
  • Rank: Marquis
  • Forneus is a Day demon and rules 29 legions of spirits. He was partly of the order of Thrones and partly of the order of Angels.

Forneus gives one a good reputation and teaches languages. He teaches all of the arts and sciences, including rhetoric, and can make one's enemies love him/her. He protects from evil doers.
Forneus is very kind and human friendly. He has a beautiful deep red robe like a king's robe, trimmed in white with black spots. He has black shoulder-length hair with bangs, an intense look, dark eyebrows, and piercing black eyes with olive skin. He also appears with a reptilian sea creature. He understands about the evil of enemy angels.

— High Priestess Maxine



Furcas pronounces his name "Fur-ACK-us"

  • Zodiac Position: 5-9 degrees of Sagittarius
  • November 28th- December 2nd
  • Tarot Card: 8 of Rods
  • Planet: Jupiter
  • Candle color: Light blue
  • Plant: Cinquefoil
  • Metal: Tin
  • Element: Fire
  • Rank: Knight
  • Furcas is a Night Demon and rules 20 legions of spirits.

Furcas teaches astrology, palmistry, and pyromancy [divination by fire]. He also teaches astronomy, philosophy, logic and rhetoric, brings peace of mind and dispels fear and timidity.
He is small, bald and looks like a Buddha. He has small white wings. He is very friendly.

— High Priestess Maxine



  • Zodiac Position: 15-19 degrees of Virgo
  • September 8th-12th
  • Tarot Card: 9 of Pentacles
  • Candle color: Red
  • Plant: Cypress
  • Planet: Saturn
  • Element: Earth
  • Metal: Lead
  • Rank: Earl
  • Furfur is a Day Demon and rules 26 legions of spirits

She incites love between a man and woman. She also causes thunder, lightening and wind. She bestows a love of battle and can reveal the secret thoughts of others. Furfur is a beautiful Demoness. She has silky white wings, with curly blonde hair and large blue eyes.


Gods G - M

Gods G - M


  • Zodiac Position: 10-14 degrees of Virgo
  • September 2nd-7th
  • Tarot Card: 9 of Pentacles
  • Planet: Saturn
  • Metal: Lead
  • Plant: Moss
  • Candle color: Black
  • Element: Earth
  • Rank: President/Prince
  • Gaap is a Day Demon and rules 66 legions of spirits. He was of the order of the Potentates.

Gaap can cause love or hate. He helps with astral projection and foretells the future. He delivers familiars from the custody of other mages, discerns past and present, and teaches philosophy and the liberal sciences. He can also make men ignorant. Gaap teaches how to consecrate things.

Gaap has a green aura and appears as a little man.



  • Zodiac Position: 15-19 degrees of Aries
  • April 4th-8th
  • Tarot Card: 3 of Rods
  • Planet: Sun
  • Metal: Gold
  • Element: Fire
  • Candle color: Black
  • Plant: Juniper
  • Rank: Marquis
  • Samigina is a Day Demon and rules 30 legions of spirits

Samigina gives news of those who died and are in Hell and teaches the liberal sciences. She has very dark, piercing eyes and beautiful tan colored wings.



  • Zodiac Position: 0-4 degrees of Leo
  • July 23rd-27th
  • Tarot Card: 5 of Rods
  • Planets: Sun
  • Metals: Gold
  • Candle color: Yellow
  • Plant: Rosemary
  • Element: Fire
  • Rank: President/Earl
  • Glasya-Labolas is a Day Demon and rules 36 legions of spirits

He knows all ancient wisdom and occult secrets. He teaches all of the sciences and can cause murder and death. He can make one invisible and can incite bloodshed. He predicts the future and discerns the past and present. He can cause love of friends and enemies.
Glasya-Labolas has short, very straight dark blonde hair. He appears to be very young, like a teen. He has lightly tanned skin and he flew around my room in circles. He has white wings.

— High Priestess Maxine



  • Zodiac Position: 5-9 degrees of Capricorn
  • December 27th-31st
  • Tarot Card: 2 of Pentacles
  • Planet: Saturn
  • Metal: Lead
  • Candle color: Orange
  • Plant: Fenugreek
  • Element: Earth
  • Rank: Duke
  • Gremory is a Night Demon and rules 26 legions of spirits

Gremory appears in the form of a woman. She causes one to be loved by women and brings love to men. She discerns past, present and future and discovers hidden treasure.



  • Zodiac Position: 20-24 degrees of Taurus
  • May 10th-14th
  • Tarot Card: 7 of Pentacles
  • Planet: Saturn
  • Metal: Lead
  • Element: Earth
  • Candle color: Yellow
  • Plant: Aloe
  • Rank: Duke
  • Gusion is a Day Demon and rules 40 legions of spirits

Gusion can grant position, bestow honors, and make those who are not liked, to be loved by everyone they come into contact with. He forms and reconciles friendships, foretells the past, present and future and answers all questions.
Gusion has wispy hair. He has high cheek bones and tanned skin. He is well built with glowing white wings. Gusion is very calm and peaceful and brings a feeling of security and comfort.

"Gusion is definitely blunt, but polite. I asked him about something unrelated to the summoning, and he said simply, I should ask another Demon another time, and returned to the task at hand with magnificent deliberation. Gusion is good with questions too. All of them are honest if you make it clear. I think seriously they don't want to hurt our feelings. Gusion's method is to deliver hard information."

— Salem Burke


#HAGENTI aka HAAGENTI aka Egyptian Goddess BASTET

  • Zodiac Position: 25-29 degrees of Scorpio
  • November 18th-22nd
  • Tarot Card: 7 of Cups
  • Planet: Moon
  • Metal: Silver
  • Element: Water
  • Candle color: Red
  • Plant: Witch Hazel
  • Rank: President
  • Haagenti is a Night Demon and rules 33 legions of spirits

She is a powerful alchemist and can turn metal into gold, turn wine into water and vice versa. She gives wisdom and teaches diverse subjects.

Haagenti appears as cat-like. Cats are sacred to her. When she appears, she is accompanied by many cats. Her eyes are cat-like.



  • Zodiac Position: 5-9 degrees of Libra
  • September 28th- October 2nd
  • Tarot Card: 2 of Swords
  • Planet: Venus
  • Element: Air
  • Candle color: Red
  • Plant: Marjoram
  • Metal: Copper
  • Rank: Earl
  • Halpas is a Night Demon and rules 26 legions of spirits

Halpas can incite wars and severely punishes enemies. He builds towers, provides weaponry, and burns towns. He is a patron of soldiers, supplying them with ammunition and directing them. He speaks with a hoarse voice.



Ipos is the Egyptian God Anubis [See High Ranking Gods and Crowned Princes of Hell]

  • Zodiac Position: 15-19 degrees of Cancer
  • July 8th-12th
  • Tarot Card: 3 of Cups
  • Planets: Mars/Pluto
  • Element: Water
  • Candle color: Dark blue
  • Plant: Sandalwood
  • Metals: Iron/Plutonium
  • Rank: Earl/President
  • Ipos is a Day Demon and rules 36 legions of spirits

Ipos makes one charismatic and bold. He helps one to keep friends, make new friends and can foretell the future and discern the past.



  • Zodiac Position: 5-9 degrees of Gemini
  • May 26th-31st
  • Tarot Card: 6 of Rods
  • Planet: Mercury
  • Candle color: Red
  • Plant: Plantain
  • Metal: Mercury
  • Element: Air
  • Rank: Marquis
  • Lerajie is a Day Demon and rules 30 legions of spirits

Lerajie is the Goddess of love and pleasure. She has the ability to attract others as well as drive them away. She causes contests and battles and can cause wounds to become infected [physically and emotionally] and prevent them from healing. She can break up the love affairs or marriages of rivals. Lerajie wears an Egyptian style headdress and make-up. She is short, slim and around 5 feet tall with an olive complexion and shoulder-length black hair with bangs. She wears gold clothing- a skirt, and top. Her wingspan is wide and shimmering red. She appears to be young in appearance, around 20 years old and is very beautiful.

She can instruct one in meteorology, and in the workings of healing and medicine, She is a bringer of peace. Lerajie may alter the wind to her desire to benefit The Watcher, as well as cause the climate to change. She has a soft smooth seductive voice and can be very sarcastic. Lerajie is very friendly amongst our kind, as well as completely volatile towards our enemies. She can remind one of the great ways of Ancient Sumer. I have witnessed the beautiful artwork Lerajie has made out of the clouds in scarcely populated areas at sunset.

— by Tjiat



  • Zodiac Position: 10-14 degrees of Libra
  • October 3rd-7th
  • Tarot Card: 3 of Swords
  • Planet: Saturn
  • Metal: Lead
  • Element: Air
  • Plant: Marigold
  • Candle color: Light blue
  • Rank: President
  • Malphas is a Night Demon and rules 40 legions of spirits.

Malphas can use magick to create anything. He destroys the desires and thoughts of enemies, and provides good familiars. He reveals the secrets of enemies. He builds high towers and houses.
Malphas has tan skin and a muscular build. He has dark brown hair and wears a goatee. His face is square shaped and he has high cheek-bones and blue eyes. He can appear very dark, showing only his blue eyes. He has large grey wings and a blue aura which he projects.
"Malphas appears to me with very dark hair, a goatee, and piercing green eyes. His aura is a pure Demonic Blue, it is enormous. The first time I caught a glimpse of Malphas' Aura, I saw the room fill with his aura. It was immense, and within a split second it was all over. Malphas is incredibly powerful. The first time I successfully invoked him, I felt like I had the power to take on the whole world and then some. The energy and the physical strength he gave me was incredible, and even that was not even a fraction of Malphas' power and strength. He has been with me for a long time, even before I dedicated. Malphas was also with me during the awakening of my kundalini.

— Vovim Baghie



  • Zodiac Position: 20-24 degrees of Aries
  • April 9th-14th
  • Tarot Card: 4 of Rods
  • Planet: Jupiter
  • Metal: Tin
  • Element: Fire
  • Candle color: Yellow
  • Plant: Chicory
  • Rank: President
  • Marbas is a Day Demon and rules 36 legions of spirits

Marbas can bring healing or cause disease. He answers questions about things that have been stolen and gives great wisdom and knowledge. He teaches mechanics and gives knowledge about things hidden or secret. He can cause one to shape shift.

Marbas has spiked black hair, brown eyes, small ears, and is of medium height.



  • Zodiac Position: 20-24 degrees of Virgo
  • September 13th-17th
  • Tarot Card: 10 of Pentacles
  • Planet: Venus
  • Metal: Copper
  • Element: Earth
  • Candle color: Red
  • Plant: Pennyroyal
  • Rank: Marquis
  • Marchosias is a Day Demon and rules 30 legions of spirits. She was of the Order of Dominations

She can assist in any fight, argument or confrontation; either verbal or physical, and she answers questions.
Marchosias appeared to me as a teenage girl. She looked young. She is very talkative and friendly. She has straight long blonde hair parted down the middle, and large black wings. She is a warrior.

— High Priestess Maxine

IMAGE (Artwork done by Marcos Macias)


  • Zodiac Position: 10-14 degrees of Cancer
  • July 2nd-7th
  • Tarot Card: 3 of Cups
  • Planets: Mars/Pluto
  • Metals: Iron/Plutonium
  • Element: Water
  • Candle color: Red
  • Elder
  • Rank: Earl/President
  • Marax is a Day Demon and rules 30 legions of spirits

She teaches astrology and the magickal uses of stones and herbs. She also provides familiars, teaches astronomy and the liberal sciences. She is the Goddess of truth, order, and justice. She is very respected among the other Demons. She has jet-black hair with bangs, and tan skin, with an ancient Egyptian type of hair style. She has large white wings and is very tall.

— High Priestess Maxine



  • Zodiac Position: 25-29 degrees of Sagittarius
  • December 17th-21st
  • Tarot Card: 10 of Rods
  • Candle color: Dark blue
  • Planet: Sun
  • Element: Fire
  • Plant: Parsley
  • Metal: Gold
  • Rank: Duke/Earl
  • Murmur is a Night Demon and rules 30 legions of spirits. He was of the Order of Thrones and partly of that of Angels.

He teaches philosophy and makes the souls of the dead appear and answer questions.


Demons N - R

Gods N - R


Naberius is also known as "NEBIROS" See High Ranking Gods and Crowned Princes of Hell

  • Zodiac Position: 20-29 degrees of Cancer
  • July 18th-22nd
  • Tarot Card: 4 of Cups
  • Planet: Jupiter/Neptune
  • Metal: Tin/Neptunium
  • Element: Water
  • Candle color: Red
  • Plant: Ash
  • Rank: Marquis
  • Naberius is a Day Demon and rules 19 legions of spirits

Naberius teaches arts, sciences, logic, rhetoric, and helps one regain lost honors and standing. He also helps in returning lost possessions.



Orias is also known as the Egyptian God "OSIRIS" See High Ranking Gods and Crowned Princes of Hell

  • Zodiac Position: 20-24 degrees of Capricorn
  • January 11th-15th
  • Tarot Card: 4 of Pentacles
  • Planet: Mercury
  • Metal: Mercury
  • Candle color: White
  • Plant: Sealwort
  • Element: Earth
  • Rank: Marquis
  • Oriax is a Night Demon and rules 30 legions of spirits

Oriax can cause one's enemies to bestow good-will and can change one into any shape. He helps in gaining respect and in securing positions of high esteem. He teaches about the stars and planets.



  • Zodiac Position: 0-4 degrees of Capricorn
  • December 22nd-26th
  • Tarot Card: 2 of Pentacles
  • Planet: Saturn
  • Metal: Lead
  • Plant: Broom
  • Candle color: Orange
  • Element: Earth
  • Rank: Prince
  • Orobas is a Night Demon and rules 20 legions of spirits

Orobas answers questions and gives one power and control over others. He protects one from the persecution of evil spirits and also from one's enemies. He will put a stop to slander and gossip. He can foretell the future, and discern the past and present. Orobas is the Patron of horses.
Orobas appeared to me with a black stallion bucking up with lightening. He appears both as a small unusual looking dark-haired man or a boy with medium blonde ring curls.

— High Priestess Maxine



  • Zodiac Position: 10-14 degrees of Capricorn
  • January 1st-5th
  • Tarot Card: 3 of Pentacles
  • Planet: Venus
  • Metal: Copper
  • Plant: Horsetail
  • Candle color: Green
  • Element: Earth
  • Rank: President
  • Ose is a Night Demon and rules 30 legions of spirits

Ose teaches the liberal sciences and is able to change one into any form. He can bring delusions and insanity to others. He also answers questions.



  • Zodiac Position: 10-14 degrees of Taurus
  • April 30th-May 4th
  • Tarot Card: 6 of Pentacles
  • Planet: Mercury
  • Metal: Mercury
  • Element: Earth
  • Plant: Bindweed
  • Candle color: Black and Dark blue
  • Rank: King
  • Paimon is a Day Demon and rules 200 legions of spirits. Some were of the Order of Angels and the others of the Order of Potentates. He is a Great King and very obedient unto Lucifer.

Paimon gives the power to influence and control others and teaches the arts and sciences. He provides good familiars and gives one position and honor. He can reveal anything about the Earth and one's mind. When he appears, he is attended by other Demons. Paimon is known to make noise. Someone revealed that their smoke alarm went off, all by itself with no explanation when Paimon appeared after a summoning.
Paimon is not Azazel, as some writings claim. They are both separate and different individual Demons.

Paimon is full of energy. Loud noises and bright lights tend to make him more active. He is very colorful and very friendly.



  • Zodiac Position: 0-4 degrees of Libra
  • September 23rd-27th
  • Tarot Card: 2 of Swords
  • Planet: Venus
  • Metal: Copper
  • Element: Air
  • Plant: Rose
  • Candle color: Pink
  • Rank: Marquis
  • Phenex is a Night Demon and rules 20 legions of spirits

His specialty is poetry and writing of letters. He teaches all of the sciences and answers questions. Phoenix has black feathery wings. Phenex appears as a bird with black feathers that fall out as he flies. His tail has red-orange and yellow feathers that are very long and straight. He is accompanied by an attendant Demon who appears as an eagle.



  • Zodiac Position: 5-9 degrees of Cancer
  • June 27th-July 1st
  • Tarot Card: 2 of Cups
  • Planet: Moon
  • Metal: Silver
  • Plant: Orchid
  • Candle color: Purple
  • Element: Water
  • Rank: King
  • Purson/Horus is a Day Demon and rules 22 legions of spirits. He was partly of the Order of Virtues and partly of the Order of Thrones

Purson [pronounced "person"] discovers hidden things and treasures, and discerns the past, present and future. He can read and reveal the thoughts of others and provide good familiars. He answers all questions.
He is very fair and very youthful looking. He resembles Amon Ra, only he has softer features. He is attended by several other Demons. He is highly respected among the Demons and very high-ranking. He lit up my entire room with his energy when he appeared to me.

— High Priestess Maxine



RAUM is the Egyptian God "KHNUM" See High Ranking Gods and Crowned Princes of Hell

  • Zodiac Position: 15-19 degrees of Libra
  • October 8th-12th
  • Tarot Card: 3 of Sword
  • Planet: Saturn
  • Metal: Lead
  • Element: Air
  • Plant: Thistle
  • Candle color: Black
  • Rank: Earl
  • Raum is a Night Demon and rules 30 legions of spirits



  • Zodiac Position: 10-14 degrees of Leo
  • August 2nd-7th
  • Tarot Card: 6 of Rods
  • Planet: Jupiter
  • Metal: Tin
  • Plant: Cinnamon
  • Candle color: Purple
  • Element: Fire
  • Rank: Marquis/Earl
  • Ronove is a Day Demon and rules 19 legions of spirits

Ronove teaches languages. He humbles enemies and teaches art and rhetoric. He also provides servants.
Ronove has brilliant shoulder-length golden hair that shines and glitters, with a brilliant aura. He has markings on his face like a tribal warrior. He has a very small wingspan. He can move objects in a room and is very talkative and friendly. He sometimes goes by the name "Ben." He is a Demon of fire and specializes in pyrokinesis. He gives off a lot of energy and also specializes in languages.


Demons S - Z

Gods S - Z


  • Zodiac Position: 0-4 degrees of Scorpio
  • October 23rd-27th
  • Tarot Card: 5 of Cups
  • Planet: Mars/Pluto
  • Candle Color: Dark blue
  • Plant: Allspice
  • Metal: Iron/Plutonium
  • Element: Water
  • Rank: Marquis
  • Sabnock is a Night Demon and she rules 50 legions of Spirits

Sabnock can cause arguments to escalate into serious fights. She protects soldiers and their camps and can prevent wounds from healing. She teaches architecture and provides good familiars. Sabnock has blue wings with frosted highlights.



  • Zodiac Position: 0-4 degrees of Cancer
  • June 22nd-26th
  • Tarot Card: 2 of Cups
  • Planet: Moon
  • Candle Color: Red
  • Plant: Aster
  • Metal: Silver
  • Element: Water
  • Rank: Duke
  • Sallos is a Day Demon and rules 30 legions of spirits

Sallos causes love between men and women, stimulates sexual desire, and incites the passions. He encourages fidelity to one's partner. He has bright orange hair and a silver aura. He changes the color of his hair to black and his aura to gold. He wears a suit of armor, and he also disappears to where you can only see his head.



  • Zodiac Position: 15-19 degrees into Pisces
  • March 6th-10th
  • Tarot Card: 9 of Cups
  • Planet: Moon
  • Candle Color: Green
  • Plant: Willow
  • Metal: Silver
  • Element: Water
  • Rank: Prince
  • Seere is a Night Demon and rules 26 legions of spirits

Seere discovers thefts, transports goods, and can control time He can cause a spell or act of magick to occur immediately. He can bring many things to happen all at once. He is good natured and helpful to the summoner.

Seere has white wings with tan markings. He is of medium height with a strong build. He has soft dark medium-length hair and a strong face. Seere is very agile in flight and he is very soft-spoken.



  • Zodiac Position: 5-9 degrees of Scorpio
  • October 28th-November 1st
  • Tarot Card: 5 of Cups
  • Planet: Mars/Pluto
  • Candle Color: Black
  • Plant: Purslane
  • Metal: Iron/Plutonium
  • Element: Water
  • Rank: Marquis
  • Shax is a Night Demon and rules 30 legions of spirits

Shax can cause one to become deaf, dumb or blind and can take away understanding. He can take money or possessions and reveal the way to stolen property or hidden things. He provides good familiars and will transport anything.
Shax has short blue hair with a medium build and dark skin. He gives one a feeling of power that comes from his aura. He is very powerful in his magick.
Shax is a good Demon. If you ask him several questions he will totally ignore the ones not related to the task at hand [i.e. love, etc]. This is likely because, judging from his character, he is accustomed to human interaction; he is a people Demon. I have no doubt as to his answers, he answers quickly and accurately, and would not be the sort of Demon anyone would wish to cross. He is very powerful. His residual energy was very helpful.

— Salem Burke



  • Zodiac Position: 25-29 degrees of Virgo
  • September 18th-22nd
  • Tarot Card: 10 of Pentacles
  • Planet: Venus
  • Candle Color: Dark blue
  • Plant: Flax
  • Metal: Copper
  • Element: Earth
  • Rank: Prince
  • Stolas is a Day Demon and rules 26 legions of spirits

He has knowledge of all of the stars, planets and the properties of stones. He teaches astronomy and the uses of herbs.

Stolas has beautiful long dark brown curly hair and blue eyes. His wings are cream colored and laced with gold trim. His wings are like a Griffin's wings."



Also known as Seth, Sethi, Sit, Sut, Sutekh. [See High Ranking Demons and Crowned Princes of Hell]

  • Zodiac Position: 25-29 degrees of Taurus
  • May 15th-20th
  • Tarot Card: 7 of Pentacles
  • Planet: Saturn
  • Candle Color: Red
  • Plant: Hyacinth
  • Metal: Lead
  • Element: Earth
  • Rank: Prince
  • Sytry/Set is a Day Demon and rules 60 legions of spirits

He is a Prince of love and lust, and causes women to reveal themselves naked. He incites men and women fall in love with each other. He appears during the day even though Set is the Egyptian Lord of Darkness. He is one of the 7 Sons of Satan. He has a dark complexion with jet-black hair. He at first had rubbery dark brown wings that turned into beautiful soft black feathery angel wings like a raven right after I did energy work on him and freed him. He wears a long black satin robe. He was very kind, soft spoken and left me with a strong energetic feeling of peace. He has most beautiful energy. He appeared to me in the mid-afternoon on a sunny day in my bedroom. He may be both a day and night Demon/God. He also appears with his Wife, Nephthys [Bathin].

— High Priestess Maxine



  • Zodiac Position: 25-29 degrees of Aries
  • April 15th-19th
  • Tarot Card: 4 of Rods
  • Planet: Jupiter
  • Candle Color: Pink
  • Plant: Dandelion
  • Metal: Tin
  • Element: Fire
  • Rank: Duke
  • Valefor is a Day Demon and rules 10 legions of spirits

Valefor is an expert at occult medicine, and can cure any and all ills through the powers of the mind and soul. He bestows dexterity with ones hands and makes one's mind sharp.

Valefor has a large head like Lucifius Focalor. He has a greenish complexion with dark pronounced eyebrows. He has huge white feathery wings.

— High Priestess Maxine



  • Zodiac Position: 25-29 degrees into Capricorn
  • January 16th-19th
  • Tarot Card: 4 of Pentacles
  • Planet: Mercury
  • Candle Color: Dark blue
  • Plant: Papyrus
  • Metal: Mercury
  • Element: Earth
  • Rank: Duke
  • Vapula is a Night Demon and rules 36 legions of spirits

Vapula teaches philosophy and other sciences. She can assist one in passing tests and examinations. She also helps one to converse intelligently on almost any subject and bestows skill in all of the manual professions. She teaches craftsmanship.

Vapula has very long, straight, black hair, with red eyes. She is of medium height and has tan colored wings, with pointed ears and dark skin.



  • Zodiac Position: 10-14 degrees into Aries
  • March 30th-April 3rd
  • Tarot Card: 3 of Rods
  • Planet: Sun
  • Candle Color: Light blue
  • Plant: Leek
  • Metal: Gold
  • Element: Fire
  • Rank: Prince
  • Vassago is a day Demon and rules 26 legions of spirits

Vassago is one of the friendliest of the Demons. He reveals the past, present and future and can find anything that has been hidden, misplaced, lost or stolen.



  • Zodiac Position: 25-29 degrees into Libra
  • October 18th-22nd
  • Tarot Card: 4 of Swords
  • Planet: Mercury
  • Candle Color: Black
  • Plant: Mugwort
  • Metal: Mercury
  • Element: Air
  • Rank: Duke
  • Vepar is a Night Demon and rules 29 legions of spirits

Vepar controls the sea, and can cause storms, or calm the sea. She can cause disaster and death. Vepar guides battleships and causes death from infected wounds.

Vepar gives the feeling of lightness and can help with levitation. She appears as a warrior Demoness. She has dark brown hair and wears a leather band around her head. She appears wearing a leather skirt. She is very soft-spoken and very kind. She leaves one with a happy feeling and has a blue aura.



  • Zodiac Position: 10-14 degrees of Scorpio
  • November 2nd-6th
  • Tarot Card: 6 of Cups
  • Planet: Jupiter/Neptune
  • Candle Color: White
  • Plant: Mallow
  • Metal: Tin/Neptunium
  • Element: Water
  • Rank: King/Earl
  • Vine is a Night Demon and rules 36 legions of spirits

Vine is the only Demon who can reveal the identity of other witches and sorcerers. He knows all secrets and can destroy enemies. He can defend the mage against the attacks of other sorcerers and witches. He knows and reveals the past, present and future. He discovers hidden things, causes storms, destroys walls, and builds towers.

Vine appears accompanied by a black lion. Vine is very thin and dark skinned. He has black wings and carries a gold staff. His black shoulder-length hair is straight with platinum blonde at the tips.



  • Zodiac Position: 5-9 degrees of Aquarius
  • January 25th-29th
  • Tarot Card: 5 of Swords
  • Planet: Saturn/Uranus
  • Candle Color: White
  • Plant: Sesame
  • Metal: Lead/Uranium
  • Element: Air
  • Rank: President
  • Volac is a Night Demon and rules 38 legions of sprits

Volac reveals hidden treasures. He can lead one to a good job, and provides lucky numbers. He moves fast. He flies very fast and usually departs through the ceiling.



  • Zodiac Position: 20-24 degrees into Scorpio
  • November 13th-17th
  • Tarot Card: 7 of Cups
  • Planet: Moon
  • Candle Color: Dark blue
  • Plant: Myrrh
  • Metal: Silver
  • Element: Water
  • Rank: Duke
  • Vual is a Night Demon and rules 37 legions of spirits. He was of the Order of Potentates or Powers

Uvall reveals the past, present, and future. He reconciles enemies and brings the love of a woman to a man. He creates friendships and ensures esteem. He knows all and can manipulate time.

Uvall is a unisex Demon with long flowing blonde curly hair, deep green eyes, is very tall and is built stocky. Uvall's name is pronounced "Ewe-Val". Uvall wears golden body armor and has white wings.



ZAGAN IS THE GOD "DAGON" See High Ranking Demons and Crowned Princes of Hell

  • Zodiac Position: 0-4 degrees of Aquarius
  • January 20th-24th
  • Tarot Card: 5 of Swords
  • Planet: Saturn/Uranus
  • Candle Color: White
  • Plant: Hyssop
  • Metal: Lead/Uranium
  • Element: Air
  • Rank: King/President
  • Zagan is a night Demon and rules 33 legions of spirits

Zagan can transform liquids, such as wine into blood and water into wine. He can bring to one's mind the humor in all happenings. Zagan turns metal into coins and bestows wit. He gives wisdom and can make fools wise.



  • Zodiac Position: 15-19 Degrees into Gemini
  • June 6th-10th
  • Tarot Card: 9 of Swords
  • Planet: Venus
  • Candle Color: Black
  • Plant: Mandrake
  • Metal: Copper
  • Element: Air
  • Rank: Duke
  • Zepar is a Day Demon and rules 26 legions of spirits

Zepar incites love and passion between the sexes. He can make women barren and can cause one to shape shift.