Pathesis & Energia
Pathesis is a word that comes from the Ancient Greek “pathos,” which means “things that happen to us.”
The same root word is also correlated to having uncontrolled emotions, wounds, or issues, coming from the fact that one had to endure negativity or mistakes due to a lack of emotional control.
When one “suffers,” one is a “pathon (Παθών),” but when one controls their feelings, one becomes a being of Pathos (“Πάθος” - Man of Passion).
Yet, when the garden of emotions is left without a proper gardener, one falls into the state of Pathesis.
“Pathesis” is also directly correlated to passively accepting everything and allowing anything to happen to someone; the opposite state being “Energeia,” which means to act towards something. The Ancient Greek word for disease is also “Pathesis.”
From the above, the birth of the word “Pathetic,” which rightfully in English is a loan from the Ancient Greek word, is correlated with negativity and destruction, generally being “pathetic” and not active.
Those who are merely “pathetic” or are not exercising any energy whatsoever in their existence, are bound to sooner or later become pathetic, dwindle, and degenerate. The last state of being “pathetic” is to be dead.
Meditation, for example, should be seen as an “Energetic” act, not only from the standpoint of that it feeds the soul with energy in order for it to exist and to empower it, but also in that it activates the mind from the deadly slumber of consciousness that the mind constantly faces as an enemy.
The cure for Pathesis being active consciousness—an energetic consciousness—is to be understood and applied. Its cure is named “Energia,” or to take action. The modern word “Energy” comes from the same term.
“Queen of the Heavens, Aphrodite,
Bless us with the necessary energy
To overcome our Pathos,
Wake us up from our slumber and our disabling sleep!”